Ardmore Telephone Company Documents and Information

Please click on the appropriate tab below for more information about Ardmore Telephone Company’s statements on policy and procedures.

Please click the appropriate link to complete forms of service:

Acceptable Use Policy

ARDMORE TELEPHONE reserves the right to engage in reasonable network management practices to protect its broadband network from harm, compromised capacity, degradation in network performance or service levels, or uses of the Service which may adversely impact access to or the use of the Service by other customers. Some of the reasonable network management practices that ARDMORE TELEPHONE will use may include, but are not limited to, the following: (i) a cap on data usage; (ii) a modification of a customer’s serving facility or service technology, and/or (iii) a modification of or a limitation on a customer’s data throughput speed or data consumption, or in extreme cases, disconnection of broadband services.

Network Practices:  (a) Congestion Management and Application-Specific Behavior:  ARDMORE TELEPHONE does not block, shape, limit, or control individual internet usage.  ARDMORE TELEPHONE adheres to guidelines set forth by Congress and the FCC for network openness and interconnection.  All ARDMORE TELEPHONE consumers are able to access the lawful internet content of their choice under nondiscriminatory provisions.  ARDMORE TELEPHONE has no traffic shaping equipment in place and does not discriminate against nor preclude any legal use of other provider equipment or services.  (b)  Device Attachment Rules.: Any standard computer or internet access device is permitted to the extent it does not cause a degradation of internet traffic within the network or to others.   ARDMORE TELEPHONE reserves the right to set additional standards and rules as warranted.   (c)  Security:  Security measures that would monitor end user real time usage have not been adopted.  It is the responsibility of the end user to monitor their usage and adopt safe practices that they deem necessary to protect any unauthorized access to their personal files and information.  ARDMORE TELEPHONE does employ internal security measures to monitor aggregate internet usage to avoid a degradation of its IP network and performance.

Performance Characteristics: (a) Service Description:   Internet service is a “best provisioned” service, and ARDMORE TELEPHONE has provisioned your service to meet the maximum speeds as advertised.  However, internet usage can be affected by many variables.   Usage experienced may be lower than the maximum speed.  ARDMORE TELEPHONE does not have real time monitoring data.  It is ARDMORE TELEPHONE’s intent to provide network performance at 95% of advertised speeds, 90% of the time.  Individual internet data services are described in additional detail in the “Products” section of this webpage.  (b)  Impact of Specialized Services:  ARDMORE TELEPHONE does not offer any specialized services.

No Resale:  Unless written consent is expressly given by ARDMORE TELEPHONE, neither you nor any user may resell, share, or otherwise distribute the Service or any part of it to any third party.  For example, you cannot use the Service to provide Internet access to others through any type of connection.  You may not host shell accounts over the Internet, provide email, news services, or send a news feed.

Commercial Terms: (a) Pricing:  Individual internet data service pricing, terms, and conditions are described in additional detail in the “Products” section of this webpage.  (b) Privacy Policies:  ARDMORE TELEPHONE does not share any internet usage information with any outside agency, for law enforcement or national security needs; unless requested by court subpoena or other lawful means.  (c) Redress Options:  You may call Customer Service at 1-800-830-9946.

Cisco End User Agreement / Privacy Data Sheets for Webex Meetings & App

Cisco End User License Agreement

Cisco Privacy Data Sheets for Webex Meetings and Webex App.

Copyright Notice

Ardmore Telephone Company, Inc. (ATC) complies with U.S. copyright laws and requires all members, customers, and users (collectively, “Subscribers”) to comply with these laws.  You may not use ATC’s network, systems, servers to transmit, upload, download, post, store, or submit any content, images, materials, or data (collectively, “Material”) in any manner that constitutes an infringement of third-party intellectual property rights.

A.  Designated Agent

Pursuant to Title II of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”), all claims alleging copyright infringement for Material that the copyright owner, or person authorized to act on its behalf, determines to be residing on ATC’s system or network should be promptly sent in the form of a written notification to ATC’s Designated Agent:

Autry, Hall & Cook, LLP
Attn: David Cook
3330 Cumberland Blvd SE
Suite 185
Atlanta, Georgia 30339


B.  DMCA Takedown Notices

A written notification of claimed copyright infringement (“DMCA Takedown Notice”) must be provided to ATC’s Designated Agent and must include substantially the following:

  1. A physical or electronic signature of the owner of or a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.
  2. Identification of the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed, or, if multiple copyrighted works at a single online site are covered by a single notification, a representative list of such works at that site.
  3. Identification of the Material that is claimed to be infringing or to be the subject of infringing activity and that is to be removed or access to which is to be disabled, and information reasonably sufficient to permit ATC to locate the Material.
  4. Information reasonably sufficient to permit ATC to contact the complaining party, such as an address, telephone number, and, if available, an email at which the complaining party may be contacted.
  5. A statement that the complaining party has a good faith belief that use of the Material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.
  6. A statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that the complaining party is the owner of or is authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.

Upon receipt of an appropriate DMCA Takedown Notice from the complaining party, as described above, ATC will remove or disable access to the Material that is claimed to be infringing and take reasonable steps to forward the DMCA Takedown Notice to the allegedly infringing Subscriber and notify the Subscriber that ATC has removed or disabled access to the Material.

C.  Repeat Infringers

In accordance with the DMCA and other applicable laws, ATC reserves the right to terminate services provided to any Subscriber who is either found to infringe third party copyright or other intellectual property rights, including repeat infringers, or who ATC, in its sole discretion, believes is infringing these rights.  ATC treats any Subscriber for whom it has received multiple DMCA Takedown Notices from content owners as a repeat infringer.  ATC may terminate a Subscriber’s service at any time with or without notice.

D.  Counter Notifications

A Subscriber may provide a written counter notification (“Counter Notice”) to a DMCA Takedown Notice by providing to the Designated Agent substantially the following:

  1. Subscriber’s physical or electronic signature.
  2. Identification of the Material that has been removed or to which access has been disabled and the location at which the Material appeared before it was removed or access to it was disabled.
  3. A statement under penalty of perjury that the Subscriber has a good faith belief that the Material was removed or disabled as a result of mistake or misidentification of the Material to be removed or disabled.
  4. The Subscriber’s name, address, and telephone number, and a statement that the Subscriber consents to the jurisdiction of the Federal District Court for the judicial district in which the address is located, or if the Subscriber’s address is outside of the United States, for any judicial district in which ATC may be found, and that the Subscriber will accept service of process from the person who provided the DMCA Takedown Notice or an agent of such person.

Upon receipt of the appropriate Counter Notice,  ATC will provide the person who sent the DMCA Takedown Notice a copy of such Counter Notice and inform such person that ATC shall replace the removed Material or cease disabling access to it in 10 business days.  Thereafter, ATC will replace the removed Material and cease disabling access to it not less than 10 business days but no more than 14 business days, following receipt of the Counter Notice, unless ATC’s Designated Agent first receives notice from the person who provided the DMCA Takedown Notice that such person has filed an action seeking a court order to restrain the Subscriber from engaging in infringing activity relating to the Material on ATC’s system or network.

Copyright © 2024  All rights reserved.

Explanation of Your Bill

Federal Excise Tax – This 3% tax is now applied only to local service billed separately from long distance service.

State & Local Taxes – These taxes are imposed by state, local, and municipal governments on goods and services.  They may also appear as “gross receipts” taxes on your bill.

Universal Service Charges – The Universal Service Fund (USF) provides support to telecommunications services at reasonable rates for those living in rural and high cost areas, income-eligible consumers, rural health care facilities, and schools and libraries.

911 – Charge imposed by local governments to help pay for emergency services such as fire and rescue.

Please call the business office at 256-423-2131 for more information about your phone bill.

To report trouble after hours, please call 256-423-2122 .

Fair Access Policy
Ardmore Telephone Company reserves the right to engage in reasonable network management practices, to protect its broadband network from harm, compromised capacity, degradation in network performance or service levels, or uses of the Service which may adversely impact access to or the use of the Service by other customers. Some of the reasonable network management practices that Ardmore Telephone Company will use may include, but are not limited to, the following: (i) a modification of a customer’s serving facility or service technology, and/or (ii) a modification of or a limitation on a customer’s data throughput speed or data consumption, or in extreme cases, disconnection of broadband services.

Do you need help paying for your telephone service?

Through cooperation with the Public Service Commission, Ardmore Telephone Company offers the Lifeline program to help eligible customers with the cost of their bill.

Call ATC’s Customer Service Department to enroll or to ask more questions concerning Lifeline.  1-800-830-9946

You may also contact the local PSC office at 1-800-882-3919 for more information about Lifeline.

For more details or to register for Lifeline support, go to the National Verifier database and check your eligibility status.

NOTE: According to FCC regulations, only one Lifeline program benefit is allowed per household. Falsifying information in order to receive Lifeline benefits will result in loss of benefit and possible criminal penalties.

Middle Mile Interconnection & Non-Discrimination Policy

This policy is set forth in compliance with the requirements for the Middle Mile Broadband Infrastructure Grant Program. Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, 60401(d)(2)(B). This policy is intended for Middle Mile Grant funded projects/facilities, subject to exceptions discussed below.


It is the policy of Ardmore Telephone Company (ARDMORE) to provide access to Middle Mile Grant (MMG) funded facilities and service at any technically feasible point along the network (without exceeding current or reasonably anticipated capacity limitations). ARDMORE shall grant requests from parties seeking physical interconnection for the exchange of traffic or connection to the internet. The rates and terms established by ARDMORE are reasonable and nondiscriminatory.

For all requesting parties making bona fide requests for interconnection or wholesale services, ARDMORE will negotiate in good faith for commercially reasonable terms and conditions. Telecommunications carriers and Internet service providers seeking information regarding these services are encouraged to contact ARDMORE at 800-830-9946 or

ARDMORE is further prepared to do the following:

  1. Wholesale a direct connection that it has built to the customer (i.e., loop or lateral);
  2. Provide transport services to a last mile provider that is serving the customer (e.g., backhaul, internet access).

In accordance with grant requirements, ARDMORE will make all reasonable efforts to allow all requesting parties to interconnect with ARDMORE facilities. ARDMORE commits to offering non-discriminatory interconnection to terrestrial and wireless last mile broadband providers and any other party making a bona fide request.

If a party requests to interconnect with MMG-funded facilities where no point of interconnection currently exists, the requesting party should bear any reasonable cost to improve the facilities to allow for interconnection.

ARDMORE maintains that all services are provided under reasonable and nondiscriminatory terms. Wholesale services will be provided to customers at ARDMORE’s standard quality. Provisioning, installation, repair, and maintenance will likewise be provided on the standard terms and conditions made available to all customers.

ARDMORE will provide collocation by interconnecting parties on a first-come, first-served basis, in any equipment or facilities funded by the Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP), where and when possible. ARDMORE will provide, if available: (1) secured spaces separated from the owner’s equipment; (2) 24-hour access; (3) escorted or unescorted access; and (4) AC and/or DC.

ARDMORE shall make available and publish how to request information regarding network routes, points of interconnection, and other related matters. Similarly, ARDMORE shall publish the process to make service requests of the type contemplated in this policy. Upon receipt of the request, ARDMORE must acknowledge within 10 days. Standard rates are to be supplied at the request of interested parties.

Standard terms and conditions of service are to be made publicly available for inspection by interested parties. As required, executed service agreements are to be made available to the grantor.

ARDMORE shall work with approved service providers to enable carrier-neutral interconnection to ARDMORE facilities. Interconnection may occur at permissible or technically feasible points along the network including splice points and mid-span, based upon review of each request and provided that such access does not exceed current or anticipated capacity limitations.

Fiber access includes direct connections such as loops or laterals. Services include transport services such as backhaul and Internet access.


It is the policy of ARDMORE to provide internet services on the following bases:

  1. Consumers are entitled to access the lawful Internet content of their choice.
  2. Consumers are entitled to run applications and services of their choice, subject to the needs of law enforcement.
  3. Consumers are entitled to connect their choice of legal devices that do not harm the network.
  4. Consumers are entitled to competition among network providers, application and service providers, and content providers.

In addition to the above, ARDMORE does not prioritize lawful Internet applications and content over others. ARDMORE does not manage, throttle, block or otherwise limit the content of communications traffic transiting ARDMORE’s MMG-funded facilities, except to the extent necessary to maintain reliable service.

ARDMORE’s network management policies will be publicly available and are applied consistent with the above principles. ARDMORE’s network management practices do not involve preferential routing of traffic on the basis of content or provider. ARDMORE utilizes neutral traffic routing and enables connections to other carriers and to the public Internet. ARDMORE displays its network management policies in a prominent location on its website and will provide notice of changes to these policies.

Network Management Policy

ARDMORE TELEPHONE uses various tools and industry standard techniques to manage its network and deliver fast, secure, and reliable Internet service. ARDMORE TELEPHONE believes in full transparency and conducts the following as part of its network management practices:

  1. Congestion Management. ARDMORE TELEPHONE monitors the connections on its network in the aggregate on a daily basis to determine the rate of utilization. If congestion emerges on the network, ARDMORE TELEPHONE will take the appropriate measures to relieve congestion. ARDMORE TELEPHONE’s network and congestion management practices are ‘application-agnostic,’ based on current network conditions are not implemented on the basis of customers’ online activities, protocols, or applications.
  2. Network Security. ARDMORE TELEPHONE promotes the security of its network and patrons by protections from such threats as spam, viruses, firewall issues and phishing schemes. As its normal practice, ARDMORE TELEPHONE does not block any protocols, content, or traffic for purposes of network management except that it may block or limit such traffic as spam, viruses, malware, or denial of service attacks to protect network integrity and the security of customers.
  1. Device Attachment Rules & Application Specific Behaviors. Except as may be provided elsewhere herein, ARDMORE TELEPHONE does not currently engage in any application-specific behaviors, nor does it employ device attachment rules for its network. Customers may use any lawful applications or devices on the ARDMORE TELEPHONE network.
  2. Monitoring Schedule. ARDMORE TELEPHONE employs a variety of industry-standard tools, applications, and devices to monitor, secure and maintain its network, including one or more of the following:
  • Network graphing solutions;
  • Software to monitor SNMP network devices;
  • Port monitors;
  • Electronic alert notifications;
  • Diagnostic protocols;
  • Spam and virus protection on inbound & outbound email


Law enforcement and reasonable network management may require disruptions or decline in service from time to time. ARDMORE TELEPHONE reserves the right to employ generally accepted technical measures to provide acceptable service levels to all customers.

The terms in this Policy shall not change the parameters of existing facilities, agreements, or non- MMG funded projects/programs. To the extent non-MMG funded projects/programs become a part of the MMG funded project/program, then this policy shall control, subject to further guidance from the grantor.


In addition to ARDMORE TELEPHONE, this policy is binding upon any sub-recipients that may be granted funds under the MMG program.

Network Transparency Statement

Ardmore Telephone Company (“ARDMORE” or “Company”) provides this Network Transparency Statement in accordance with the FCC’s Restore Internet Freedom Rules to ensure that you have sufficient information to make informed choices about the purchase of broadband services. Information about ARDMORE’s other policies and practices concerning broadband are available at

ARDMORE engages in network management practices that are tailored and appropriate for achieving optimization on the network considering the particular network architecture and technology of its broadband Internet access service. ARDMORE’s goal is to ensure that all of its customers experience a safe and secure broadband Internet environment that is fast, reliable and affordable. ARDMORE wants its customers to indulge in all that the Internet has to offer, whether it is social networking, streaming videos and music, to communicating through email and videoconferencing.

ARDMORE’s network management includes congestion and security-protocol-management and customers generally will not be impacted by the protocols and practices that ARDMORE uses to manage its network.

A. Ardmore’s Network Transparency Disclosures

ARDMORE uses various tools and industry standard techniques to manage its network and deliver fast, secure and reliable Internet service. ARDMORE believes in full transparency and provides the following disclosures about its network management practices:

  1. Blocking: ARDMORE does not block or discriminate against lawful content.
  2. Throttling: ARDMORE does not throttle, impair or degrade lawful Internet traffic.
  3. Affiliated Prioritization: ARDMORE does not prioritize Internet traffic.
  4. Paid Prioritization: ARDMORE
  5. Congestion Management: ARDMORE monitors the connections on its network in the aggregate on a daily basis to determine the rate of utilization. If congestion emerges on the network, ARDMORE will take the appropriate measures to relieve congestion.On ARDMORE’s network, all customers have access to all legal services, applications and content online and, in the event of congestion, most Internet activities will be unaffected. Some customers, however, may experience longer download or upload times, or slower surf speeds on the web if instances of congestion do occur on ARDMORE’s network.Customers using conduct that abuses or threatens the ARDMORE network or which violates the company’s Acceptable Use Policy, Internet Service Terms and Conditions, or the Internet Service Agreement will be asked to stop any such use immediately. A failure to respond or to cease any such conduct could result in service suspension or termination.ARDMORE’s network and congestion management practices are ‘application-agnostic’, based on current network conditions, and are not implemented on the basis of customers’ online activities, protocols, or applications. ARDMORE’s network management practices do not relate to any particular customer’s aggregate monthly data usage.ARDMORE monitors its network on a daily/weekly basis to determine utilization on its network. ARDMORE also checks for abnormal traffic flows, network security breaches, malware, loss, and damage to the network. If a breach is detected or high-volume users are brought to light by complaint, ARDMORE provides notification to the customer via email or phone. If a violation of ARDMORE’s policies has occurred and such violation is not remedied, ARDMORE will seek to suspend or terminate that customer’s service.
  1. Application-Specific Behavior: Except as may be provided elsewhere herein, ARDMORE does not currently engage in any application-specific behaviors on its network. Customers may use any lawful applications with ARDMORE.
  2. Device Attachment Rules: Customers are required to use a ARDMORE supplied ONT (optical network terminal) to ensure compatible delivery of the FTTH service to the end user premise. As a default only one public IPv4 address will be assigned to a customer. All other devices at the location must be secured behind a NAT capable router/firewall. Customers are encouraged but not required to use the router embedded in the ARDMORE supplied fiber ONT. If the customer chooses to use a different router the built-in router can be bypassed or an ONT without router functionality can be installed at ARDMORE’s discretion. Customers may attach devices of their choosing to the router, including additional wired or wireless routers, laptops, desktop computers, video game systems, televisions, or other network-enabled electronic equipment. However, customers are responsible for ensuring that their equipment does not harm ARDMORE’s network or impair the service to other customers. ARDMORE is not responsible for the functionality or compatibility of any equipment provided by its customers. Customers are responsible for securing their own equipment to prevent unauthorized access to ARDMORE’s broadband network bythird parties and will be held responsible for the actions of such third parties who gain unauthorized access through unsecured customer equipment. Only one device is allowed direct connection to the public facing interface of the ONT.
  3. Network Security: ARDMORE knows the importance of securing its network and customers from network threats and annoyances. The company promotes the security of its network and patrons by implementing protections from such threats as spam, viruses, firewall issues, and phishing schemes. ARDMORE also deploys spam filters in order to divert spam from an online customer’s email inbox into a quarantine file while allowing the customer to control which emails are identified as spam. Customers may access the spam files through email. Spam files are automatically deleted if not accessed within 30 days.In the course of normal practice, ARDMORE does not block any protocols or traffic from lawful content for purposes of network management, but ARDMORE may block or limit such traffic as spam, viruses, malware, or denial of service attacks to protect network integrity and the security of our customers. As part of “Good Neighbor” network practices, the following common ports are filtered at the core of the public network facing upstream internet access to limit nuisances and known port use for malicious traffic.Port(s): netbios-ns, netbios-ss, netbios-dgm, chargen log, 19, 1900,tcp 135, udp 135, tcp 138, tcp 139, udp 445, tcp 445, tcp 707, udp 995, udp 996, udp 997, udp 998, udp 999, udp 1349, tcp 1349, tcp 1025, tcp 1900, tcp 2745, tcp 5000, tcp 5554, udp 8998, udp 13155, tcp 13155, tcp 25532, udp 25532, udp range 54320 54321, udp range 54320 54321The following features are enabled on access-profiles to protect customers, the transport network and the ARDMORE core network.
  1. ARP proxy, to reduce arp traffic on the network and drop packets not destined for an IP or mac listed in the association table.
  2. DHCP Relay, to help prevent MAC and IP spoofing.
  3. Blacklisting, enabled to shut a customer facing port down if ARP, DHCP and IGMP packets are excessive, to prevent DOS attacks and protect the network.
  4. Ingress broadcast and Unicast rates are applied to customer ports as well.

B. Network Performance

  1. Service Descriptions
    ARDMORE deploys Internet access to its subscribers through hardwired broadband access (Fiber to the home).
    This document takes care of the Machine-Readable language (.xlsx file download) format required by the FCC as part of the Broadband Labels requirement.
  2. Network Performance
    ARDMORE makes every effort to support advertised speeds and will dispatch repair technicians to customer sites to perform speed tests as needed to troubleshoot and resolve speed and application performance caused by ARDMORE’ network. ARDMORE measures availability, latency, and aggregate utilization on the network and strives to meet internal service level targets.However, the bandwidth speed at which a particular distant website or other Internet resources may be downloaded, or the speed at which your customer information may be uploaded to a distant website or Internet location is affected by factors beyond ARDMORE’s control, including the speed of the connection from a distant web server to the Internet, congestion on intermediate networks, and/or limitations on your own computer equipment, including a wireless router. In addition, your service performance may be affected by the inside wiring at your premise. Accordingly, you, the customer, must consider the capabilities of your own equipment when choosing a ARDMORE broadband service. Your computers and/or wireless or other networks in your homes or offices may need an upgrade in order to take full advantage of the chosen ARDMORE broadband plan.For Fiber and T1 service, ARDMORE measures traffic every 5 min. All services are best effort. ARDMORE tests each service for actual and expected access speeds at the time of network installation to demonstrate that the service is capable of supporting the advertised speed. Customers may also test their actual speeds using the speed test located at on ARDMORE’ website and may request assistance by calling our business office at 270-856-1000 or by email at on the network information ARDMORE receives from its monitoring efforts, ARDMORE’s network is delivering data transmission rates advertised for the different high-speed Internet services. To be sure, ARDMORE has implemented a program of testing the performance of its network by using a test protocol similar to the one sanctioned by the FCC. We installed specific network performance monitoring equipment at aggregation points across our network and conducted a series of tests using this equipment. ARDMORE reports the results of this testing below. This result applies to both upload and download data rates, and applies for measurements made both at peak times and over a 24-hour period:


Download Speeds

50 Mbps 50 0% 50 0%
100 Mbps 100 0% 100 0%
250 Mbps 250 0% 250 0%
500 Mbps 500 0% 500 0%
1 Gig * 950 5% 950 5%

Upload Speeds

50 Mbps 50 0% 50 0%
100 Mbps 100 0% 99.9 0.1%
250 Mbps 250 0% 250 0%
500 Mbps 500 0% 500 0%
1 Gig * 949 5.1% 935 6.5%

*1Gig service delivery subject to throughput capability of existing commercial routers. At present current commercial routers are unable to support full 1000Mbps delivery to the end user and rates will vary from 920Mbps to 970Mbps on the private interface of the CPE.
** Second test using commercial

  1. Impact of Non-BIAS Data Services

The FCC has defined Non-Broadband Internet Access Services (Non-BIAS) to include services offered by broadband providers that share capacity with Broadband Internet Access Services (BIAS) (previously known as “Specialized Services”) also offered by the provider over the last- mile facilities.

Real time services, such as Non-BIAS services, include Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and Internet Protocol (IP) video services, command optimal bandwidth. Because non-BIAS traffic is combined with general Internet traffic on ARDMORE’s network, broadband customers could experience service delays, although very unlikely, if there is an occurrence of congestion on ARDMORE’s network. In any such event, the Non-BIAS traffic is given priority over general Internet traffic.

C. Commercial Terms

Pricing and additional service information may be found here.
In addition to this Network Transparency Statement, patrons may also find links to the following on the ARDMORE Website:

▪ Privacy Policy
▪ Terms and Conditions
▪ Acceptable Use Policy

For questions, complaints, or requests for additional information, please contact ARDMORE at: Business Office at 270-856-1000 Email at

Network Transparency Statement (Download Version)

Non-Discrimination Statement
Ardmore Telephone Company is an equal opportunity provider and employer.  If you wish to file a Civil Rights program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, found online here, or at any USDA office, or call 1-866-632-9992 to request the form.  You may also write a letter containing all of the information requested in the form.  Send your completed complaint form or letter to us at U.S. Department of Agriculture, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, by fax (202) 690-7442 or email at
Privacy Policy

Ardmore Telephone Company (ATC) Privacy Statement

The Ardmore Telephone Company Website is committed to protecting your privacy and developing technology that gives you a powerful and safe online experience. This Statement of Privacy applies to the Ardmore Telephone Company Website and governs data collection and usage. By using the Ardmore Telephone Company Website, you consent to the data practices described in this statement.

Collection of your Personal Information

Ardmore Telephone Company Website collects personally identifiable information, such as your e-mail address, name, home or work address or telephone number. Ardmore Telephone Company Website also collects anonymous demographic information, which is not unique to you, such as your ZIP code, age, gender, preferences, interests and favorites.

There is also information about your computer hardware and software that is automatically collected by Ardmore Telephone Company Website. This information can include: your IP address, browser type, domain names, access times and referring Web site addresses. This information is used by Ardmore Telephone Company Website for the operation of the service, to maintain quality of the service, and to provide general statistics regarding use of the Ardmore Telephone Company Website.

Please keep in mind that if you directly disclose personally identifiable information or personally sensitive data through Ardmore Telephone Company Website public message boards, this information may be collected and used by others. Note: Ardmore Telephone Company Website does not read any of your private online communications. However, Ardmore Telephone Company Website reserves the right to review materials posted to bulletin board services, chat areas, news groups, forums, communities, personal web pages, calendars, and/or other message or communication facilities designed to enable you to communicate with the public at large or with a group, and to remove any materials in its sole discretion.

The Ardmore Telephone Company Website may contain links to other Web sites (Linked Sites). Ardmore Telephone Company Website is providing these links to you only as a convenience, and the Linked Sites are not under the control of Ardmore Telephone Company Website. Ardmore Telephone Company Website is not responsible for the privacy policy of any Linked Site, or the absence of such a policy. Ardmore Telephone Company Website encourages you to review the privacy statements of Linked Sites so that you can understand how those Linked Sites collect, use and share your information. Ardmore Telephone Company Website is not responsible for the privacy policies or other content on Web sites outside of the Ardmore Telephone Company Website and Ardmore Telephone Company family of Web sites.

Use of your Personal Information

Ardmore Telephone Company Website collects and uses your personal information to operate the Ardmore Telephone Company Website and deliver the services you have requested. Ardmore Telephone Company Website also uses your personally identifiable information to inform you of other products or services available from Ardmore Telephone Company Website and its affiliates. Ardmore Telephone Company Website may also contact you via surveys to conduct research about your opinion of current services or of potential new services that may be offered.

Ardmore Telephone Company Website does not sell, rent or lease its customer lists to third parties. Ardmore Telephone Company Website may, from time to time, contact you on behalf of external business partners about a particular offering that may be of interest to you. In those cases, your unique personally identifiable information (e-mail, name, address, telephone number) is not transferred to the third party. In addition, Ardmore Telephone Company Website may share data with trusted partners to help us perform statistical analysis, send you email or postal mail, provide customer support, or arrange for deliveries. All such third parties are prohibited from using your personal information except to provide these services to Ardmore Telephone Company Website, and they are required to maintain the confidentiality of your information.

Ardmore Telephone Company Website does not use or disclose sensitive personal information, such as race, religion, or political affiliations, without your explicit consent.

Ardmore Telephone Company Website keeps track of the Web sites and pages our customers visit within Ardmore Telephone Company Website, in order to determine what Ardmore Telephone Company Website services are the most popular. This data is used to deliver customized content and advertising within Ardmore Telephone Company Website to customers whose behavior indicates that they are interested in a particular subject area.

Ardmore Telephone Company Website will disclose your personal information, without notice, only if required to do so by law or in the good faith belief that such action is necessary to: (a) conform to the edicts of the law or comply with legal process served on Ardmore Telephone Company Website; (b) protect and defend the rights or property of Ardmore Telephone Company Website; and, (c) act under exigent circumstances to protect the personal safety of users of Ardmore Telephone Company website, or the public.

Use of Cookies

The Ardmore Telephone Company Website uses “cookies” to help you personalize your online experience. A cookie is a text file that is placed on your hard disk by a Web page server. Cookies cannot be used to run programs or deliver viruses to your computer. Cookies are uniquely assigned to you, and can only be read by a Web server in the domain that issued the cookie to you.

One of the primary purposes of cookies is to provide a convenience feature to save you time. The purpose of a cookie is to tell the Web server that you have returned to a specific page. For example, if you personalize Ardmore Telephone Company Website’s pages, or register with Ardmore Telephone Company Website or its services, a cookie helps Ardmore Telephone Company Website to recall your specific information on subsequent visits. This simplifies the process of recording your personal information, such as billing addresses, shipping addresses, and so on. When you return to the same Ardmore Telephone Company Website, the information you previously provided can be retrieved, so you can easily use the Ardmore Telephone Company Website features that you customized.

You have the ability to accept or decline cookies. Most Web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser setting to decline cookies if you prefer. If you choose to decline cookies, you may not be able to fully experience the interactive features of the Ardmore Telephone Company Website services or Web sites you visit.

Security of your Personal Information

Ardmore Telephone Company Website maintains the personally identifiable information you provide on computer servers in a controlled, secure environment, which is protected by means reasonably designed to prevent unauthorized access, loss, alteration, use or disclosure of such information. When personal information (such as a credit card number) is transmitted to other Web sites, it is protected through the use of encryption, such as the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol. However, the nature of the Internet is such that information may be transmitted over networks without appropriate security measures and may be accessed, deleted, altered, used or disclosed by unauthorized persons.

Use of ATC Apps

ATC collects, and processes information provided directly by you when you install the App and register for an account to use the App. Specifically, this information includes:

  • Your name, email address, location, phone number.
  • Browser information and session cookies related to your access and use of the App.
  • Data insights ATC attains based on correlation and analytics of your information collected in providing the App, which may be used in aggregated and dis-aggregated formats or to obtain trend analytics, to provide the App; and
  • Use of the above-described collected information in aggregated and dis-aggregated formats to enhance our current App or to provide App features.

How ATC Uses the Information

ATC uses the information collected as described in this Privacy Policy, including personal information, to:

  • Provide you with the App as described in the Agreement.
  • Implement, improve and/or enhance the App, including to make future releases available to you.
  • Carry out ATC obligations as described or authorized in the Agreement and this Privacy Policy.
  • Enforce ATC rights arising from the Agreement between you and ATC; and
  • Fulfill any other purpose authorized by you and reasonably required for the App.

Changes to this Statement

Ardmore Telephone Company Website will occasionally update this Statement of Privacy to reflect company and customer feedback. Ardmore Telephone Company Website encourages you to periodically review this Statement to be informed of how Ardmore Telephone Company Website is protecting your information.

Contact Information

Ardmore Telephone Company Website welcomes your comments regarding this Statement of Privacy. If you believe that Ardmore Telephone Company Website has not adhered to this Statement, please contact Ardmore Telephone Company Website at We will use commercially reasonable efforts to promptly determine and remedy the problem.

If you do not wish to receive information about other products or services available from Ardmore Telephone Company Website and its affiliates and external business partners, or to receive opinion research surveys, please notify us by e-mail at, or by writing to us at Ardmore Telephone Company, 30190 Ardmore Ave., Ardmore, Alabama, 35739


Please click on the appropriate link to view and download tariff information.

Local Exchange / General Subscriber Services Price List

Wireline Broadband Internet Transport Service

Terms and Conditions

iInstallation of Service
We require a signature on our applications prior to service being installed. Installation of service is provided as quickly as possible in the utmost professional manner possible. From order to installation, the time is typically no more than 5 working days. If new construction is needed to provide service, a customer may expect to receive service within one (1) month.

Deposit Requirements
A deposit is required if a customer’s credit is not satisfactory when checked at the credit bureau. Customer deposits are refundable after a period of twelve months, if the customer’s account has not been delinquent more than twice, or the customer’s service has not been disconnected for non-payment during the past twelve months. Interest earned on this deposit will be credited to your statement each month.

Disconnection / Reconnection Policy
ATC bills are produced on the 1st of every month. Your bill is due on the 15th. If your payment has not been received, a second notice will be mailed. This notice includes the amount and the actual date your service will be disconnected if the bill remains unpaid.  If your service is disconnected, you must pay your entire bill, plus a reconnection fee. A deposit may also be required, as well. The amount of the deposit will be based on the average of two months’ bills.

Each account is subject to a penalty if the account is not paid by the the due date.

Return Check Policy
There will be a service charge applied for any returned check. Written notice and/or a telephone call is made alerting the customer of the returned check. The customer will have one (1) week to pick up the check or make arrangements for payment, at which time the service charge will be due and payable. The customer must contact our office if the check is to be redeposited, we do NOT redeposit without the customer asking. If a check is redeposited, the service charge will be applied to the bill.

Bank Draft Payments
Bank draft auto pay is available to all customers. Customer’s who participate in the bank draft program may expect to have their bank account drafted 10 days following their billing cycle.

Through cooperation with the Public Service Commission, Ardmore Telephone Company offers the Lifeline program to help eligible customers with the cost of their phone bill.


Local: 256-423-2131
Toll Free: 800-830-9946
After Hours: 256-423-2122


The Ardmore Connection Magazine is a bi-monthly publication that includes a variety of current topics and info about our company.