Ardmore Job Board
We deeply appreciate your interest in our organization and assure you that we are sincerely interested in your qualifications. A clear understanding of your background and work history is essential. We will review your qualifications and will make every effort to reach a decision as quickly as possible. Please fully complete the entire application.
Fiber/Combination Technician
Plant · Ardmore, Alabama
Ardmore Telephone Company, Inc. a leader in voice, broadband communications, and home security is seeking experienced applicants with strong technical and networking skills.
High School diploma with two years of telecommunications education or equivalent work experience. Bachelor’s degree in Information Technology or proficient knowledge in fiber optics, security alarm systems, and/or A+ certification a plus; good customer skills and a good driving record also required.
Pre-Employment physical examinations, background check, and drug screen prior to final job offer. ATC offers a generous benefits package including medical, vision, and dental coverage, PTO and 401K and HSA company contributions on eligible plans.
Non-Exempt Salary- $44,500-$62,000 (36 month pay progression) and an additional bonus potential available.
Please click HERE to apply today.
Ardmore Telephone Company is an equal employment opportunity employer and provider and a drug-free workplace.
Fiber Optic Sales
Full Time
Ardmore, Alabama
Ardmore Telephone Company, Inc. a leader in voice, broadband communications, and home security is seeking experienced applicants with strong technical and networking skills.
Come grow with us !!!!
Exciting times at Ardmore Telephone Company with the expansion of Fiber Optic Internet in our service area. Fiber Optic internet is the fastest and most dependable internet available anywhere.
This is a full-time position with a competitive compensation package that includes a base salary and commission structure that awards high performance with UNCAPPED earning potential.
Position includes a company vehicle, uniform, wireless device, laptop. Our benefits include medical, dental, vision, paid time off, holidays, and 401K, HSA company contribution on select plans!!!
Flexible schedule and ALL leads provided! Industry specific software and top-notch training provided.
Sales are mainly B2C.
Our company is an equal employment opportunity employer and provider and a drug-free workplace.
Please click HERE to apply today.
Statement of Nondiscrimination
Ardmore Telephone Company is the recipient of federal financial assistance from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). The USDA prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or part of an individual’s income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.)
Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of pro- gram information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA’s TAR- GET Center at 202-720-2600 (voice and TDD).
To file a complaint of discrimination, write to USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410, or call toll free 866-632-9992 (voice) or 800-877-8339 (TDD) or 866- 377-8642 (relay voice users). USDA is an equal opportu- nity provider and employer. The person responsible for coordinating this organiza- tion’s nondiscrimination compliance efforts is Trevor Bonnstetter, CEO.
Disabled Employees Policy
Ardmore Telephone Company complies with the law regarding reasonable accommodation for disabled employees. Applicants requiring reasonable accommodation in order to participate in the interview process are requested to contact Human Resources in order to arrange such accommodation.
Local: 256-423-2131
Toll Free: 800-830-9946
After Hours: 256-423-2122
The Ardmore Connection Magazine is a bi-monthly publication that includes a variety of current topics and info about our company.